Many thanks to all who have sent me more IHTFP information. I've had folks ask when the phrase was first coined. The earliest date I have so far at MIT is 1960, and it was well-established then. The polite form of it then was "Institute Has The Finest Professors". I've also found possible tie-ins at the US Air Force Academy (1956), Lehigh University (1962; their preferred alternative was "I Have To Fart Percussively"), Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute (1963) and the US Naval Academy (1965). Does anyone know more about this now-famous acronym?

IHTFP trivia: apparently at Berkely, if you holler IHTFP out the window, everyone hollers back, "This fucking place hates you, too".

This is probably an inadvertent IHTFP:

I Hate This Fucking Planet
(Said by Sharon Stone's character in Total Recall.)

This is the MIT library's on-line catalog entry for a master's thesis in EE.

 AUTHOR:  Chow, Chee-Seng.
 TITLE:   Phoenix : an interactive hierarchical topological floorplanning
          placer /
 EDITION: 1985.

Location           Type                Status
ARCHIV/ARCHIV      THES0               In Library
  Call Number:  Thesis E.E. 1985 M.S.

These made their debut as some of the graffiti on the Pei/Pay Toilet hack.

I Have To Fully Purge
I Hear The Feces Plopping

These IHTFP phrases were found on the one of the temporary first floor walls of the student center during the 1987 renovations. In the original version on the wall, in the first line, the word "Have" was crossed out, and replaced with "Hacked".

I Have The First Phrase
I Hate These Foolish Phrases
I Have The French Poodles
I Have Truly Found Paradise
It Hurts To Fondle Penguins
I Hate To Fondle Penguins
It's Hard To Fondle Penguins
I Hate To Fail Physics
I Hate Taking Freshman Physics
I Help Tutor Freshman Physics
I Have Totally Forgotten Physics
I Hear That Freshman Passed
I Hear That Failing Prevailed
Italians Have Truly Funny Pronunciation
I Have This Funny Pheeling
In Heaven The Fine Play
In Hell The Foolish Pay
In Heaven There are Fraternity Parties
In Hell There are Fraternity Parties
It's Hard To Finish Papers
I Hate Those Foolish Papers
I Hope To Find Peace
Iron Has Three Fundamental Properties
I Hope To Fuckin' Pass
Intimate Happenings Take First Priority
Icarus Had Tremendous Flying Potential
Illegible Handwriting Tortures Frazzled Professors
Irate Hecklers Throw Foul Poultry
Ironic Happenstance, Twixt Foolish Passion
I Hate Teflon Frying Pans
Ingenuity Has To Fabricate Philosophy
Is Happiness The First Priority?
It's Hard To Flunk Poetry
Inwardly He Takes False Pride
I Hack To Find Places
I Have Thoughtfully Flattered Professors
Intelligence Happens To Fail People
It's Hard To Fake Puberty
I hAvE tWo FeLt PeNs [note: written in red and green. MJB]
Interesting How Time Flies Past
I Have Tooled For Pleasure
Inhale Hot Turpentine Fumes, Paul!
I Hate These Foolish Puns
Ike Hated Trailing Fdr's Presidency
It's Heaven To Feel Plums
Iap Hopes To Foster Productivity
I'll Have Thesis Finished Presently
I Have Taken Fine Pills
I Have Terminated Furry Pests
Intense, Hard Thinking Feels Phenomenal
Insurmountable Hills Tax Foolish People
I Hear They Found Peace
In Hospitals They Free Psychotics
I Have The Funniest Professors
I Hate Those Fenway Players
I Hate Those Fucking Preppies
I Hear Teps Fuck Periodically
In Harvard They Fuck Pigs
Inside Honig's Thighs Feel Puffy
It's Honig That's Found Paradise
It Happened To Fonzie's Privates
This entry has been removed per the request of the named party.
I Hug The Funniest People
Intelligent Harlots Try Fancy Positions
It Hurts To Fuck Por-q-pines
Ivanhoe Humped The Fairy Princess
It's Heaven To Fuck Peach
I Have Twice Fucked Peach
I Hate Tattletale Fibbers - Peach
In Her The Fiery Passage
In Him The Fiendish Piston
In Haste They Fuck Passionately
It's Hard To Find Pussy
I Have Three Foot Penis
I Have The Finest Penis
It Hangs Twixt Fuzzy Parts
Itching His Tirelessly Feels Phenomenal
Into Her Thick Fulsome Pusssy
I Hunt The Finest Pussies
Intercourse Has The Finest Pheeling
In His Tush, Feel Passion
I Have To Fart Periodically

I Have Tasted Founts Pierian
Ivory High Towers Foster Pedantry

Interesting How Time Flies Past
Inhaling Hempen Tokes From Peace-pipes-
Inspiring High Times, Flowing Penstripes;
In Heaven-trance, This Foolish Pleonast
Is Hyper-happy To Fill Pages:
I Have Trodden Flowery Passes
Inclining High To Fair Parnassus
I Held Those Female Personages
Indulging Hard Their Favorite Pleasantries,
Infatuated, Happily Taken For Prisoner,
I Had Terpsichore For Partner
In Heavenly "Trip Fantastic" Parties!
I Hastily Transcribe Flattering Phrases -
Inflated, Humbly Trot Forth Praises.

-In Haste, The Finals-week Poet

Inflated Head, This Fucked-up Poet.

I Hate This Fucking Place

mjbauer (at) mit (dot) edu